Ghosts and Goblins

Lab 2023

So, as noted previously, this week’s article is going to be a photo dump of the installed props I’ve been working on since around August.

I am usually exhausted after mounting this project, and this year is no exception. Secondarily, last night was Halloween, Samhain, or Beltane south of the equator, so for all of us with a witchy bent, it’s a super busy time.

In just under a week it will be my birthday, and perhaps I will wax eloquently about the passing of the years or perhaps I will rage against the dying of the light. In either case, I hope you will be satisfied with a handful of pictures. The gremlins, or goblins, or some malefic bunch of pranksters conspired to make this year’s installation exceedingly problematic. I don’t think that I will be doing this next year in the same venue. But my house is probably going to be the creepiest one in the neighborhood…well, on the outside for a change.

Witchs Kitchen
Mummys Tomb
Pirate 2023

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