Here We Go Again Again

Drunk Mercury

That’s right folks. Tomorrow is another Mercury retrograde. Chances are you’ve been feeling that wiggly shadow period already, which began on December 12th, just in time to bollix your credit cards before last minute shopping. This year just wasn’t going to let us go without a fight.

The earlier retrograde through Taurus was one of the first times I actually acknowledged the hit from drunken Mercury. I was traveling. Late flights. Missed appointments. Lost items. Connecting flights halfway across the continent from origin and destination points.

September’s dance through Libra to Virgo and back to Libra was a bit different, though. Yes, both office and cell phone experienced spectacular foul-ups as Mercury made that outside turn, but there were a lot of things that could have gone wrong that didn’t.

Which got me to thinking about our general dread of these wobbles in the apparent position of the innermost planet.

I preface this by again saying that I am not a professional astrologer, though I am comfortable to say I’m a competent amateur by this point. What follows is a personal observation and not studied lore to be found in the works of the revered and ancient Chaldees.

I think I was first introduced to astrology in a monthly column in the McCall’s magazine my mother subscribed to. It was a long time ago, and memory is hazy, but I recall that she read it, and on occasion commented, though I think her older and more Christianized self might deny that. In any case, I found the articles frequently missing the mark, and can say the same for the daily newspaper horoscope. I don’t even remember these mentioning the influences of the planets, the houses, or anything beyond a random “weather report”.

Obviously, this is because they have to be generic. The people reading the entry for Scorpio are not all going to get a winning lottery ticket next Thursday. It’s a fact that everyone born with the sun in Scorpio- with the possible exception of twins born seconds apart, will have had different placements of the planets, houses, and other significators, because they were all born at different points in space and time.

Mercury Retrograde Spirel 1-1-2022 to 12-31-2023
The retrograde chart for Mercury’s tripartite dance through 2022 and 2023. Our current jog is that wiggle just above the 9 o’clock point. It occurs entirely in Capricorn, in contrast to the previous two that crossed back over the cusps from Libra to Virgo and from Gemini to Taurus.

On this chart time spirals out from center, so the one closest to the hub is the one that began at the end of December 2021 and the one next to the outside ring crossing from Capricorn back into Sagittarius will end the coming year.

You can see that the beginning and ending of retrogrades are also moving backward as time goes on. The Gemini retrograde of 2022 starts in Taurus in 2023.

This image is called a Flower Chart, and is generated by the free Plantedance software available for the Windows platform.

So while “Mercury in retrograde” is a generic ill omen, it really comes down to how it behaves in your personal chart. That is, it’s how Mercury relates to the specific and unique positions of the other planets that make up your birth horoscope, and the transit positions of those planets as they are now.

If you don’t have a personal birth chart, go get one. It’s not enough to say you were born with the sun in Scorpio. Nor is it adequate to observe that your moon was in Aries and Aries was your rising sign. There are five more classical planets out there up to something, not to mention the modern trans-saturnine ones, and all those wibbly-wobbly asteroids, dwarfs, and centaurs. And you need to know which House that sun was in, so there’s actually a couple of registers to keep track of, before we even get to the elements, triplicities, decans, rulerships, aspects, exaltations, falls, and everything else in the Great Big Book of Astrology that is missing from the newspaper forecast.

Small wonder that most of us who are serious about astrology at least once in our life spend the not insubstantial amount to have a professional personal chart done. It’s not the positions, which may be simple enough with an app on the phone, but the interpretation of all those interwoven threads of influence. I respect the professional astrologer and the fees they charge because going deep is a complicated process, even with software. While the heavy lifting of making the chart is now done by computer, the subtleties required to read the chart still demand a practiced mind that frequently will still need to consult a number of reference texts, and synthesize the multiple factors into a cohesive whole.

That drunk Mercury is going to plow through like a bowling ball around three times a year.

But armed with your own personal chart, you may be able to minimize the trouble he gets up to while meandering through your skies. The basis of predictive astrology is to build that fundamental picture of who you are, who you could be, and why you might be that way, from the stars at your birth, and then compare that to the ever-roving heavens at the moment you are interested in. For our purposes, this is the next couple of weeks while Mercury is being a sotted ass.

This is what the professional astrologer does. They look at the influences as of now, and interpret them in regard to a birth chart. If your sun was in Scorpio at birth, it’s influence is greater when it returns to that sign each year. That’s why most of us seem to experience things more intensely around our birthdays, or at least that’s the theory. When the planets (which include sun and moon) come back around to where they are during your birth, this is called a return. Your Solar return is your birthday. It happens every year. Your lunar return happens once a month, and is the day when the moon has most influence on your chart. The rest of the planets (including drunk Mercury) have returns at differing times due to the size of their orbits. The Saturn return, for example, is about every 29 years, and consequently is seen as a sign of major life changes. Pluto and Neptune have orbits so long that their returns only influence things like nations and institutions that have longer lifespans. You and I will never see them again.

But I am going off-track, in a very Mercury retrograde fashion. The point I am making here is the transit of Mercury, even when it’s wobbly, must be assessed in regard to its relationship with the other planets, signs, houses, etc. and the planets, signs, houses, etc. in your birth chart.

A false color image of everyone’s favorite astrological troublemaker. False color photographs are made by imaging an object using filters that screen out various wavelengths of light.

For example, an image can be made filtering for everything expect ultraviolet light, or infrared light, or even radio and x-rays.

If we were to look with the unaided human eye, much of Mercury’s surface would be the same dull grey brown we see on our own moon.

By combining exposures from variable wavelengths, we get a final product that is often more detailed, and having a certain stark beauty.

For example, let’s roll back the clock to September of this year, at the fixed point of the Autumnal Equinox and look at the skies. In my latitude of about 30 degrees north, and situated in the U.S. Central time zone, under Daylight Saving Time, the sun enters Libra at 8:03 PM on September 22. Your location and time will vary, and this will mean that you are looking at a different Ascendant and the Houses will likewise change. I give my data for comparing charts if you have an app.

Overhead pesky little Mercury is at 29 degrees and 41 minutes of Libra, on it’s way back toward Virgo. It is in the sixth house, meaning it has influence on your day job, your health, and your domestic animals, among other things. It’s major aspects are a conjunction with the Sun, and an opposition to Jupiter. Ordinarily the conjunction with the sun would be a good thing and the opposition to Jupiter would be bad.

Mercury in opposing Jupiter, means that his usual expansive nature, in this case as it applies to communication and transportation, is curtailed. Yet as Mercury is retrograde it should signal the opposite.

But at this point Jupiter is also in retrograde. And just like in basic math, two negatives equal a positive, so we are back to the normal forward interpretation. Taking into account Libra’s balance, and Mercury in the Sixth House, we might interpret this as “don’t talk too much at work”. That’s a good maxim for any Mercury retrograde period. It also could be a caution about getting your prescriptions mixed up, or that your cat is meowing because the bowl really is empty this time.

The solar conjunction with retrograde Mercury is a sure indicator that your thoughts are going to be fuzzy for a few days, that it will be harder to concentrate, that you might forget things, so make notes, and jot things down on the calendar. I mean the paper one, since the app may get screwed up when your phone reboots. Electronic brains are subject to this as well as meat puppet ones. It will probably be the worst in a day or so when the sun passes Mercury going backward with a WTF look out the window.

These are some examples of the general tendencies that affect things on that day at that time, and are by no means absolute. Yet in addition to these, one must consider the synastry – which is a fancy term for comparing that time and space with the time and space you were born.

I choose not to publish my personal birth chart, here. It’s a fairly private thing. But for the purposes of illustration, I’ve picked someone from the list of famous people included in the software. He’s a majority stockholder in one of the world’s largest software companies. You’ve probably heard of him, but as I don’t want to get sued if a spybot finds his name, I’ll leave it to your imagination. For the record I did not create his chart, so I can’t say if this is even accurate or his real birthday.


If we limit our review here to what Mercury is doing and how it connects to the birth chart (on the outer ring) we see that it is sextile to the birthchart position for Uranus, and is in the birthchart’s Third House, which is the house of communication. This is a bad placement for this person’s drunk Mercury. As you might imagine Mercury rules this house, so stumbling and stammering are on the horizon. Likewise, as Uranus is a planet of change and evolution, and Mercury is about communicating change, it is probably not the best time to schedule a corporate press conference announcing Windows NC-17. He does so at his own peril.

And that is really the lesson for today, my lovelies, as we end an eventful and, for me personally, unpleasant year, we should take care to not over-react to drunken Mercury. If you have the knowing of the ways of the stars, and a handy pocket astrology app, you can tease out the raw exposure to the worst of his wrath, and decide how best to avoid it.

If not, a general and circumspect approach to issues involving communication, planning, and travel, is never a bad thing anyway.

Eventually he’ll sober up and head home, and nurse his hangover for around four months before he goes on another bender. At least he’s predictable.

I hope you found this enjoyable and perhaps helpful, and that my words weren’t tangled and twisted. I’ll be back in the new year with another article.

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There and Back Again

Mercury Header

Last week’s article was brought to you by Mercury Retrograde.

That is, I had postponed the live date for it before heading off to New York City on family business, intending to edit, polish, or postpone it again, ere I returned.

But no. That was not going to happen.

Flight delays. Missed appointments. Lost items. All the typical hallmarks of Mercury dancing merrily widdershins whilst we mere mortals can’t remember the word we want to say.

And thus, the pre-scheduled but possibly not final version of last week’s article was auto-posted as pre-scheduled.

My intention then, was to connect to my blog, unpublish the article, and reset it for a time when I had returned home and could contemplate it’s perfection at my leisure.

But drunken Mercury wasn’t done with me yet.

Seems that my new webhost uses a security program that blocks mobile access to WordPress’s backroom, even from the browser.

So being several thousand miles from my laptop, I had to content myself with the fact that the article was live and there was not a thing I could do about it.

Fortunately, the article as it stands is acceptable, and I have decided not to travel back in time and create a retroactive continuity (though Mercury might approve of that just now.).

Scoff ye skeptics. Once upon a time I walked amongst thee. Now, I’m not entirely sure.

If one adheres to any faith in astrology, Mercury Retrograde comes with the territory.

Whilst other planets share this optical phenomenon, the frequency and regularity with which the innermost world makes it’s backward track is viewed with particular dread.

Retrograde motion is an illusion. It’s observance in ancient times, before telescopes and the discovery of the extra-Saturnine planets, was considered an ill omen. But it’s basically the result of a pre-Newtonian understanding of orbital mechanics.

Ancient astrologers considered all the visible planets to be traveling around the earth. In the works of Claudius Ptolemy, the planets and the sun and moon were all pinned to a series of transparent spheres or shells, that moved around our own globe. His Almagest gave calculations for their movements, and was a standard1Although Aristarchus of Samos had published works at Alexandria where the planets rotated around the sun, the popular acceptance of Ptolemy meant that an earth-centered universe prevailed until the Renaissance. The geocentric order was favored by the Holy Mother Church as it allowed convenient location of Heaven and the angelic orders. until Newton’s Principia Mathematica corrected planetary order.

The Sun, of course, never goes retrograde. Nor does the Moon, ironically the only body that does orbit the earth. For this reason, and because they were biggest and brightest, they each get to rule their own signs; the zodiac signs of Leo and Cancer respectively.

Leo, beginning with the Summer Solstice, and the hottest of the fire signs, is the natural home of the Sun. Ptolemy in his Tetrabiblos (the astrological companion to the astronomical Almagest) says that the Moon is associated with moisture, so as the next brightest light, she is assigned as ruler of Cancer, the water sign immediately preceding the Solstice.

This chart from Cafe Astrology shows the distribution of planetary rulership in the ancient world. The mathematics of Ptolemy’s Almagest made possible the first ephemeris. His Tetrabiblos is believed to be a summary of several earlier texts on astrology he researched at the Library of Alexandria. So these attributions may be as old as the Chaldean or Akkadian cultures, despite their Graeco-Roman names.

And thence all the remaining visible planets are awarded rulership over the zodiac in pairs, since there were only five of them, and there were ten signs left. So little Mercury gets both Gemini and Virgo; Venus rules Taurus and Libra; Mars: Aries and Scorpio; the expansive quality of Jupiter attend Pisces and Sagittarius; and finally cold and dark Saturn is lord over Aquarius and Capricorn.

Modern astrologers ascribe the “new” outer planets and some asteroids as rulers of signs and houses, but I find Ptolemy’s system to work fairly well, at least to gauge the basics.

And it warns us about Mercury. Mercury as ruler of Gemini presents duality and ambiguity. Perfect situation for a planet that can’t seem to make up it’s mind which way it’s going.

About that. Well, Mercury (and any other retrograde planet) isn’t actually moving backward. That would defy the laws of physics. . . Newton’s, not Ptolemy’s.

What’s happening is that all us planets are whizzing round that jolly old sun, at a pretty constant clip. But because of the different sizes of our orbits, every now and then it looks like some of the planets are moving backward, relative to our viewpoint here on little ol’ Earth2which means that Ptolemy’s universe might be more in line with Einstein than Newton’s, from a certain point of view.

And for naughty little Mercury, this happens about three times a year; more often than any of the other planets. So obviously the ancients took notice, and so do we. This wiggly motion astrologically indicates communication breakdowns that even Led Zeppelin could not have imagined, along with related interruptions in travel, technology, and other best laid plans.

So why do astrologer’s consider retrograde motion to be “bad”? Well, it may be helpful to compare it to the reversed meaning of a Tarot card. In Tarot a card that is drawn upside down is considered reversed, and it’s symbolism may be interpreted as an opposite or reduced version of the standard upright meaning.

thoth dual magician
In the Thoth Tarot, artist Freida Harris envisions the power of the Magus as synonymous with Mercury. This is something of a nod to the mysterious Hermes Trismegistus (the Thrice Great) a possibly fictitious author of many occult books. The god Hermes is the Greek equivalent of Mercury. He is also equivalent of Thoth (Tehuti) in Ancient Egypt, so there’s a bit of magical punnery at work here. This card is from my personal deck, one which has two alternate Magus cards. Ostensibly this was a publisher’s conceit, but much has been made of the symbology and secret intention of its having Three Magi.
thoth magician-hangedman
When the card is reversed, the once powerful and competent Magus now has lost control, and he, along with all his workings, appears to be plunging toward the abyss. The design is reminiscent of the 12th card, that of the Hanged Man. This card usually symbolizes life in constraint, or a delay in action. The Hanged Man, suspended between Heaven and Earth, partakes of neither. His energy is stalled, his intention frustrated. Like the infant Jupiter, he is invisible to the gods. As Mercury travels unnaturally, the normal order of things is upside down.

The same general rule applies when Mercury goes wandering. As the Messenger of the Gods, Mercury influences those things that have to do with sending and receiving messages, and in the 21st century, that covers a whole lot.

We have trouble finding the right words, or say things we shouldn’t. We forget to use BCC or forward that private internal memo to the whole office. We drunk text. We can’t access the Wi-Fi. We have no bars on our phones. We forgot we were on speaker. And Chaos ensues.

The retroshade of the current Mercurial backward transit. The wiggly spiral is Mercury’s observed direction through the zodiac. This chart represents all of 2022, which begins in the center and ends on the outer rim. The shadow period is defined by outer limits of the backwards S shape. The end of the retrograde casts a shadow backward in time, and the beginning of the retrograde casts the shadow forward.

The red overlay was added in Photoshop, but this graphic was generated by a nifty piece of software called Planetdance. If you’re a Windows User it’s free to download from the link. It has many of the features of professional astrology software. Like any freeware, it’s not always plug and play.

I am by no means a professional astrologer, but I am a professional computer guy, so it works for me. Calculations that would have taken me hours or days in my youth with paper ephemeris, tables of houses, and a slide rule (google that) are now just a few mouse clicks. It does a number of things that I don’t even begin to understand, but I’m learning.

Mercury only runs backward for about three weeks. But astrologers also reckon the “shadow period” which begins at the point in it’s forward orbit adjacent to its backward travel limit; and ends when it’s return to forward motion passes the point where it turned backward. So while the actual retrograde motion is from May 10 to June 3, the shadow period goes from late April until just past the middle of June.

Does Mercury’s little dance actually cause all the problems we associate with it? Or do we just see it as a convenient reason we butt-dialed the ex? As I said, I used to be skeptical, but 2022 is tempting me to reconsider.

Besides, that’s the only explanation I can find for my airline believing that Denver, Colorado is located on the flight path between New York City and Houston, Texas. I have had to travel more than halfway across the country, just to travel back home.


Mercury is laughing his ass off.

Thank you for reading this article. I hope it has entertained, and possibly educated. I’ll be back again soon.

I gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Ms. Renee Watt in pointing me in the right direction (pun intended) on some key astrological questions. She is a published astrologer and podcaster, and a delightful person to share Sun and Moon with.

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