Space Girl

Graphite and colored pencil on illustration board. 11″ x 17″ -1984

Until I got to high school, there were basically two sources of artistic material available to me: the illustrations in the family Bible, which introduced me to the Old Masters, and comic books. In high school I was exposed to the work of Frank Frazetta, and began that transition into the “adult fantasy/sci-fi” genre that would greatly impact my work through the 80s and 90s, (and arguably still does). I saw a Frazetta drawing online the other day that he did at 15. I wish I had been that good at 15, but this is what I did around that age. I am by no means saying this is on par with a Frazetta, but it WANTS to be.

All Images Copyrighted by Larry S. Evans II. All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized Duplication or Other Use is Prohibited.

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