About Dragonfly Moon Studio

Dragonfly Moon Studio began as an Instagram account to share some of my more esoteric artworks. In the several years since that began, including the years of the Pandemic, it has evolved into a brand for both artwork and jewelry, as well as a place to express my experiences in art, magic, and life.

I have for many years been a believer in the mystical. Such has informed my artwork since I was a child, and I keep coming back to it. Now as I approach the second half (or maybe even the second third) of my life, I feel that acknowledging this influence and giving it full voice is important. So here you are likely to find much that is strange and unusual, but as the girl in the movie says, I, myself, am strange and unusual.

If this is not your cup of tea (or coffee, or water) that’s perfectly fine. It’s a big universe and there’s room for everyone. Pass on by, I’ll wave and smile from the porch. There are much bigger things in life to be concerned about.

On the other hand, if this is something you’re into, please introduce yourself and come on in. Sit a spell as we said in the hills. I will try to make this site interesting an engaging. There are many things I’d like to do. There are many things I am working on already, and there are still a lot of others that I am still learning to do. I hope you find it enjoyable.

I am in my middle fifties and live on the Texas Gulf Coast with my wife and five furry felines. I have two adults daughters who no longer live at home, and work in the technology business. My art and other creative endeavors are my respite from the day-to-day world. As such it happens when it happens, at least for now. I am working on both the perspective and the discipline to be a bit more regular in my personal creative space, so bear with me if this takes a bit to get rolling.

Your patience and patronage is greatly appreciated. Thank you for dropping by.


Larry S. Evans II
Dragonfly Moon Studio