A Long Winter’s Nap

After much contemplation I have made the decision to take a break from publishing this blog. I believe this will be a temporary absence, and expect I will resume sometime after the start of the new year, but I do not have a specific date I can point to.

In recent weeks, I have felt too often that I am repeating myself. Some of this is, I know, due to an understandable desire to tie the content to calendar events and topics of interest. While this technique is a tried and true one used by editorial directors worldwide, it does have the disadvantage of becoming a rut.

If I am returning to plow the same fields, then I should hope to unearth some fresh or novel idea that makes such re-examination worth the effort. I can’t say that I feel that is happening.

If I am lacking in inspiration, that too, needs a remedy, whether it is to deliver a new perspective on a previous topic or to find uncharted territories to explore. In this, I find myself greatly distracted by daily demands on my time, and the subtle nudge that there are other things that I might be doing that are perhaps more mentally stimulating and emotionally rewarding.

Truth be told, the website here was meant to be a showcase and storefront for my art, and to date that has not occurred. The blog was intended as a sideline, to express how my own viewpoint on sacred thinking influenced the creation of that art. The growth of it into what it has become was unexpected, has been enjoyable, and a source of personal satisfaction. Yet as I feel an ebb in my enthusiasm for what I am doing with it, I must wonder if the few hours I spend each week, writing, editing, and illustrating each article may not be better spent, at least for a while, in pursuit of the art. So that is the decision I have come to.

Of course, if the muse strikes, as it often has, I cannot say that I won’t post during this chosen hiatus. Nor can I say that I am fully committed to restarting at any point, because I need to feel that it is something I can sustain.

I realize that I do have readers out there who enjoy and appreciate what I am offering, and it is for those readers as well that I am making the decision to take some time away. If all I am offering is a slightly repackaged version of last years content, it’s going to be of little interest. and ultimately both audience and author will fade away.

I hope that my readers do understand this, and will spend the time they took to read the weekly article in enjoyable pursuits of their own. I will be back in some form or fashion. I am far too much of an opinionated crank to be silent for too long, and this is only the most recent in a string of such forms of personal expression I’ve had since grade school.

Until then, tuck in, stay warm, enjoy each other, and celebrate what holidays you hold.

And to all a good night.

Napping Cat

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