A Brief Message From Our Sponsors

Restarting the articles has proven more difficult than I expected.

The previous two weeks unforeseen professional and personal demands on my time prevented even this simple message. The good news is that such demands appear, for the moment, to be resolving positively.

I am continuing to use my time making art. I am pleased to say that the general shift of my emphasis has resulted in a number of fresh ideas for images.

That these images depart from my previous experience painting delights me. But my desire to successfully execute these ideas means that much more time needs be spent in preparation and testing of the methods in mind. Even a decade ago I would have lacked the perspective or patience to make these experiments. I would have feared the final product might escape my imagination.

Minotaur Skull -material test of the Derwent Graphitint pencils and paint pans. The idea evoloved from a desire to have an underlying image on a canvas I am using to test various methods of gilding.

Now, I find that the experiments not only yield the necessary experience to work on the original idea, but that new ideas emerge from the experimentation process.

I hope my small cadre of readers will forgive this period of unevenness in the blog. I cannot say with certainty if it will resume the regular cycle I had committed to. I hope it will, because I believe such commitments to one’s audience is important. I’m old-fashioned that way.

Another test of the Derwent Graphitint. I was looking to get the effect of fog. In the end, I used some Winsor Newton Cotman watercolors to deepen the foreground intensity. I like the Graphitint, but the basic 12 color pencils set and the half-pan paints didn’t really have enough “oomph” to sell the effect I was looking for.

In the meantime, please accept the art candy here, and rest assured I am working toward resumption of our regularly scheduled programming.

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