Welcome and Well Met

Welcome to the Studio!

This has been some time in coming. If anyone wants to experience the Dark Arcane Arts they should try and set up a WordPress site (with e-commerce yet) that includes ye modern bells and whistles. It’s been infuriating, and there’s still much to do.

I am posting this while the virtual paint is still drying in case someone may wander in from one of my social media sites. The links to the right will let you follow any you don’t presently (just in case you want to) and there’s also a sign-up for a quarterly newsletter that I will be producing.

I am also setting up my Patreon page, which is not yet ready. To be honest, I’m having a hard time figuring out what I can offer to supporters because so many of my projects are individual one-off art pieces. I’d love to hear suggestions.

I am an artist, writer, jewelry maker, cartoonist, photographer and filmmaker, and learning to be a musician. I am also an occultist and maker of magic, and my work is inspired by, and partakes of, that magical practice. I’ll likely elaborate over time – as it makes sense or the mood strikes. This first post is just to have something other than Hello World and Test Test Test 43 showing up.

I have been trying to work out what goes here, and have had a couple of false starts on other sites. Dragonfly Moon started as being about the jewelry work, but I have connected with so many wonderful people who live in a similar weird world as I do, that I have decided to embrace my strangeness and express it along with the artwork which I hope to have up for sale soon.

The shop section of this site is still in process. I have the software ready, and now need to finish the products, photograph them, and get them loaded. For sale, when completed, will be my jewelry work ($25 and up) art pieces (price as yet undetermined) and maybe – someday – even music.

I have plans for a podcast. Who knows if that will happen? And as I get bored easily there may be ten other projects that pop up here from time to time. Hopefully you’ll find them entertaining. Some material may link back to Digital I Productions which is my business identity.

In the meantime, again, welcome. I hope you’ll come visit regularly.

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